Saturday, January 25, 2020

Strategic Management Analysis: Nike

Strategic Management Analysis: Nike Nike Inc Strategic Plan Analysis Introduction Nike is the leading corporation in the world, which deals in equipment supply sportswear. It is a US based company and established in 1962 by Bill Boverman Philip Knight in the name of Blue Ribbon Sports. Later it was changed to Nike Inc in 1978. Headquarter of the company are located in Oregon, which is near Beaverton, the USA. It is the major manufacturer and supplier of apparel and athlete shoes. The business practices and manufacturing methods of Nike Inc are based on innovation. Mission statement Mission of the company is to become the best shoe provider, which delivers best services to its customers. Vision statement The vision statement of the company is to assist every athlete in developing motivation and creativity throughout the world. Goals and objective Goal of the company is to utilize the innovative ideas in order to manufacture quality athlete shoes and attire for the world. There are various objectives of the company, but the most significant one is to become the leader through different activities, which exhibit concern for those who are associated with Nike, such as customers, employees and suppliers throughout the world. Management style at Nike Former CEO, Philip Knight played a vital role in the establishment of strategic management. His style of management is described as the idiosyncratic, which is very personal and distinctive. The mode of management in Nike is described by strategic planning. CEO of Nike reflects broad mindedness as the management style at Nike is based on different aspects, such as the conservative decisions and planned risks. Implementation of management style is based on a thorough analysis of internal as well as external environment. Decision making style of Philip Knight reflects participative method. Knight is a daring person and able to make independent decisions, but before going to consider any decision, he invites the management team to give their views and suggestion on a particular subject. Management style of Nike differs greatly with the management style of Toyota, as it employs the concept of quality across all the levels of management. Basically, Nike is a home region company; 99 percent of its production is outsourced to south East Asia. The products of Nike are being supplied by the employees from independent contract companies, which do not form the part of ownership but are component of supply chain network. From these independent firms, the management at Nike is indirectly accountable for the working conditions of employees. Nike gives immense focus on the sales. On the other hand, Toyota focuses on cutting down the number of human labor by adopting the system of Just in Time (Rugman, 2005). This system helps to maintain appropriate inventory level and ensures correctness in every step of assembly process. Nike’s management style is characterized by the approach towards team management. Top management is composed of the dedicated executive groups having huge knowledge and skill. The group is highly oriented towards the team. This management style has led to the development of faith and esteem (Heller, 2008). This culture of company extends throughout organization. On the other hand, Management style at Toyota is also very effective, as it implements the philosophy of production system into manufacturing procedures. The policy enhances honesty and innovation among the employees, which further assists them to produce quality goods and services. The production system at Toyota is formulated on a strong channel of suppliers and equipment manufacturers. Management team applies those policies, which perform in an interactive manner throughout the distribution networks. Apart from this, similarity lies in their focus of developing the global brand in terms of the quality and style (Kno wledge Management Practices at Toyota Motors, 2005). Total Quality Management Style in Toyota Toyota successfully adopted the system of total quality management. Earlier, the company adopted the American method, which says that machines should be operated until they are broken. The engineer should be called only after this situation. This approach resulted in a decrease in the productivity. But Toyota has always adopted a learning attitude and as a result, it underwent transformation. In the first step, workers were assigned with the responsibility of handling individual machines. In the next step, workers were supposed to keep the documentation of the machine in the special notebooks. In this notebook, they were supposed to document the operation of machine along with the maintenance history. In the further step, they concentrated on the cleaning of dirt, for which they designed particular guards and covers. In the last step, they went for the practices of systematic maintenance. All these procedures helped Toyota in redesigning and making modifications in the parts and above all, these processes led to the building of highest quality cars and as a result, it became the most profitable car manufacturer. Considering Nike, its strategy always focused on encouraging customers to buy the products and the investors to purchase the stock. In spite of this, the production of Nike suffered because of its poor labor law and less focus on the workers conditions (Nike Dispute, 2008). Therefore, in order to implement the Total quality Management, Nike should give emphasis over the overall aspects of the organization. Integration of TQM in Nike TQM implies Total Quality Management; it is a management function and implemented in each business practices through different activities, such as customer feedback and research on their needs and demands. TQM practices of Toyota are based on the quality measures and focus on active participation of every employee in the quality based practices to achieve long term success. TQM practices of Toyota can be incorporated into Nike by shifting its focus on quality measures. The methods involve assessment in a rigorous manner and designing all features of Nike. Management team of Nike should consider each and every aspects of organization and must initiate the TQM practices from the top position (Heller, 2008). In order to implement TQM system, there is a requirement of increasing the level of accountability among the employees, which in turn can assist them to achieve the goals successfully, so Nike should also consider this aspect in the implementation of TQM practices. To ensure quality in the products and goods, Nike should involve practices to enhance customer satisfaction, which were also used by Toyota. Apart from this, Nike should also give emphasis on establishing achievable goals and objectives, so as to ensure quality practices as a means of TQM methodology (Heller, 2008). Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the participative style of management, which is followed in the Nike serves as strength. Nike’s continue focus on the market of high end, increase of market share in the middle and focus on the small price ranges have broaden the product spectrum of Nike. In order to implement the Total quality Management, eight important aspects must be given due consideration, which includes: Principles, Integrity, Trust, Training, Recognition, Teamwork, Leadership and Communication. Nike should focus on improving labor relation and conditions of factory at the production system. To make TQM successful, supervisor must show his full commitment in leading his employees and must try to develop faith and promise by implementing practices of TQM. There is a huge requirement of dedication and personal involvement from top management. Last but not the least, clarity in the goals and objective can help in making the employee satisfied and would as sist in gaining their corporation. References Heller, R. (2008). Management styles. Retrieved August 30, 2008 from Knowledge Management Practices at Toyota Motors (2005). Retrieved August 30, 2008 from Kotler, P. (2002). Marketing Management (11th Edition). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd. Nike Dispute (2008). Retrieved August 30, 2008 from Rugman, M.A. (2005). The Regional Multinationals. Cambridge University Press.

Friday, January 17, 2020

How evil is presented throughout the play Essay

Show how Shakespeare’s sense of theatre supports the presentation of evil in â€Å"Macbeth.† Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford upon Avon, he was an English poet and playwright. He wrote 38 plays 154 sonnets. He began his successful career in London as an actor and a writer, and later became known as what many say to be the greatest writer in the English language. One of his most successful plays is ‘Macbeth’ it was written at the time king James I was on the throne at the time that the Gunpowder Plot that took place in 1605, and plotted against king James I and tried to blow up the houses of parliament. This is quite significant to the play as it links to people plotting against the king, as Macbeth does. In the end Guy Fawks is burnt, and at the end of the play Macbeth is also murdered. Shakespeare received patronage from the current monarchy if they were pleased with the play he had produced, so he made it appeal to the king or Queen he was writing it for. He did this when he wrote Macbeth, as he Put witches in the play and also based the play around witches and portrayed them as personifying evil this would have appealed to King James I as he wrote a book about witches called Demonology in this book he confirmed his conspiracy about witches being evil supernatural beings that made bad things happen. Shakespeare set the play in the 12th century when it was the17th century so that he could twist the facts of what happened to get across what he wanted to say, about the plot of the witches. Shakespeare tried to make things relevant in the play to King James I. He did this at the start of the play where he used Thunder and Lightening, before the three witches came on this would have appealed to King James I as he expressed very strongly that witches conjured up storms in the book he wrote. Another thing that portrayed evil at the start of the play is that the chant that the witches do ;†Fair is foul and foul is fair,† this shows that evil is about good being bad and bad being good. This links to Macbeth because when he first talks, he says â€Å"so fair and foul a day I have not seen†. He is echoing the words of the witches, and this alerts the audience and makes them think he is connected to them or of the same nature (also evil). Also when the witches say â€Å"when the hurlyburly’s done, when the battle’s lost and won† it makes you curious to think that they may know what is to happen in the future. It also gives you the feeling that the witches are peculiar and supernatural if they can make predictions with such certainty. Shakespeare is also trying to show the power the witches have to make evil happen, that their presence or their words can effect people make them think evil and then become evil, as Macbeth does throughout the play. Macbeth as a victim of supernatural conspiracy as it’s the witches who put the essence of treason in his mind.This is shown when Banquo asks Macbeth â€Å"Good sir, why do you start and seem to fear†. This shows Macbeth is not innately good because seeing the evil of the witches made him fear and a noble man was not to let evil get to him, like Banquo didn’t. This also shows he is susceptible to evil. He also started to have evil thoughts that even started to scare himself he says â€Å"I yield to that suggestion whose horrid image doth unfix my hair, and make my seated heart knock at my ribs†. Macbeth knows it is a sin against God to Murder or even hurt the Lords anointed King. At the start of the play he was honourable and favoured greatly by Duncan who gave him the titles Thane of Cawdor and Thane of Glamis for winning the battle and defeating the king of Norway, but Macbeth above all was a man of action and wanted to know how he could make the prediction of the witches come true and so he didn’t let his evil thoughts get in the way .He says in act 1 scene 4 â€Å"Stars hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires†, he wants the stars to stay dark so that he can hide his murderous thoughts. Also dark is associated with bad and evil and light with good and noble. He doesn’t want a starry night so that he can hide his evil thoughts in the darkness away from the light. Macbeth had lots of imagination but he lacked a strong will, when lady Macbeth allures him into Duncan’s murder he went along with the plans although deep down he knew it was morally the wrong thing to do., on the other hand lady Macbeth had a strong will persuading and brainwashing Macbeth, but has no imagination, she is the one who persuades him to commit the ghastly deed but is the one who goes mad. Another aspect of Macbeth’s imagination is when he sees daggers and apparitions before he goes to kill Duncan. Macbeth even Hallucinates when he sees the ghost of Banquo. When Macbeth goes to see the witches they make him feel invincible, they tell him â€Å"no man of woman born can touch him† hearing this he goes and kills all of MacDuffs family (his innocent wife and children) that is because he has descended to evil, he has reached the depths of evil and because evil never triumphs the audience knows he is going be caught, this is when he finds out that the witches tricked him but he does die a noble death because he is brave. Lady Macbeth is portrayed as an evil person in the play but also the source of all the evil from Macbeth. She personifies evil to Macbeth making him do wrong and she guides him into all that he does. This play is written to relate to the biblical story of Adam and Eve where God allows them to eat the fruit from all the trees except the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. A serpent persuades Eve to eat from that tree; she does so but also persuades Adam to eat from it. This relates to the story of Macbeth because Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to do evil. This is another thing that would have appealed to king James I as he was a religious man who strongly believed in what the bible said. When lady Macbeth reads the letter he has been sent by Macbeth she gets excited and starts having fantastical thoughts, yet she thinks her husband is too kind to do such a thing when she says â€Å"It is too full o ‘th ‘milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way.† She knows she will have to persuade him and she knows just how she will do this â€Å"that I may pour my spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue.† She is saying she will use her language of persuasion and guide him into the evil to do what she wants him to do. She is the one who induces him and leads him to do it, at first he is reluctant but then she wins him over by saying that he should do it for the love of her, she also challenges his masculinity by doing this so in the end after arguing a won battle because lady Macbeth isn’t backing down, Macbeth finally goes to murder Duncan. Later she entices him by saying that the blame of the murder could be put on the king’s guards, so their crime won’t be discovered. Throughout the play Macbeth goes from noble and good with people referring to him as â€Å"noble Macbeth† and â€Å"valiant cousin† to evil led by the witches. Macbeth was a victim of an evil plot with the witches tricking him and leading him to evil and sin, but the blame can not be put entirely on the witches because although they lead him he was the one who choose to kill Duncan witch was the start of all the bad things that came from it. Macbeth comes to die a noble death, because of his bravery and of this and then the rightful order has been restored and the rightful king is on the throne. This makes stronger the belief that people have that the king is the lords anointed and nobody can do anything about it. The play justifies the position of James I as he is a noble and righteous king . Shakespeare ended the play this was to show that no good comes from witches and from evil and it is a lot better to be noble as you will get a better outcome, Banquo was noble and his son became the king in the end.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Beginners Guide to the Aztec Empire of Central Mexico

The Aztec Empire was a group of allied but ethnically different city states who lived in central Mexico and controlled much of central America from the 12th century AD until the Spanish invasion of the 15th century. The main political alliance creating the Aztec empire was called the Triple Alliance, including the Mexica of Tenochtitlan, the Acolhua of Texcoco, and the Tepaneca of Tlacopan; together they dominated most of Mexico between 1430 and 1521 AD. The capital city of the Aztecs was at Tenochtitlan-Tlatlelco, what is today Mexico City, and the extent of their empire covered almost all of what is today Mexico. At the time of Spanish conquest, the capital was a cosmopolitan city, with different ethnic groups from all over Mexico. The state language was Nahuatl and written documentation was kept on bark cloth manuscripts (most of which were destroyed by the Spanish). A high level of stratification in Tenochtitlan included both nobles and commoners. There were frequent ritual human sacrifices, part of the military and ritual activities of the Aztec people, although it is possible and perhaps likely that these were exaggerated by the Spanish clergy. Timeline of the Aztec Culture AD 1110 - Mexica leave their homeland (Aztlan)AD 1110-1325 - Mexica travel throughout what is now Mexico, looking for a place to settleAD 1325 - Mexica settle TenochtitlanAD 1372-1391 - Rule of Acamapichtli, the first king of TenochtitlanAD 1391-1415 - Rule of Huitzilihuitzli; alliance with  Tepanecs AD 1415-1426 - Rule of ChimalpopocaAD 1428-1430 - Tepanec WarAD 1430 -  Triple Alliance  established between Mexica, Tepaneca of the city of Tlacopan, and Acolhua of the city of TexcocoAD 1436-1440 - Rule of ItzcoatlAD 1440-1468 - Rule of Motecuhzoma I (also called Montezuma)AD 1468-1481 - Rule of AxayactlAD 1481-1486 - Rule of TizocAD 1486-1502 - Rule of AhuitzotlAD 1492 -  Columbus lands in Santa Domingo AD 1496 - Columbus second voyageAD 1502-1520 - Rule of  Motecuhzoma II AD 1510 - Tenochtitlan floodsAD 1519 -  Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes lands  on the Yucatan peninsula and begins his assault on AztecsAD 1520 - Rule of CuitahuacAD 1520 - First smallpox epidemic; Cuitahuac diesAD 1520 - Rule of CuauhtemocAD 1521 - Tenochtitlan falls to the Spanish A Few Important Facts about the Aztec Empire Population:  In 1519, the population of the Basin of Mexico was estimated at 1 million inhabitants, between 100,000 and 200,000 in the capital city alone Extent:  Thirty-eight provinces were submitting tribute to Tenochtitlan in 1519, according to the  Codex Mendoza State Language:  Nahuatl, a Uto-Aztecan language Life Expectancy:  37 years, due to high  birth rates  and high infant mortality rates Writing:  State documents concerning administrative details such as the amount of tribute paid to the capital city by each province were preserved on colorfully painted bark cloth paper, made by soaking and pounding the inner bark of the fig or mulberry tree. Calendars:  Like the Maya and other American civilizations, the Aztecs had two cycles to their  calendar, one a 365-day solar year and one a 260 ritual year. Combined, they made a 52-year Calendar Round. The Aztecs believed bad things happened at the end of a Calendar Round. Marriage:  Men could take as many wi ves as they could afford. The first wife was principal, but all wives spun thread and wove cloth, both sources of wealth for Aztec families. Ethnographic Data:  The best information we have on the Aztecs today comes from the writings from members of the Spanish colonization force, such as  Bartolome de las Casas  and  Fray Diego Duran. Aztecs Ritual and the Arts Intoxicants:  Pulque, from fermented agave sap;  peyotl  buttons, datura, psilocybin, black nightshade,  tobacco, morning glory seeds,  chocolate  in a drink, sometimes flavored by  chili peppers  and/or  vanilla Lapidary Arts:  Jadeite,  obsidian, chalcedony,  spondylus  shell Metallurgy:  Two bronzes, one of combined copper and tin, and one of copper arsenic; cast bells,  rings,  and tweezers; some gold and silver. Much was imported from west Mesoamerican  mines,  and metalworkers;  craft work in Tenochtitlan  included hammering, filigree and lost wax methods. The Feathered Serpent:  This pan-mesoamerican fantastic creature was called Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec language. Tlachtli Ball Game:  Played with a rubber ball in a masonry court, the ball game called tlachtli was so important to the Aztecs that 16,000 balls were imported from the Maya lowlands into Tenochtitlan annually. Aztecs and Economics Markets and Trade Network:  Cortes reported that he found a  large market system  in place in the Aztec capital city, where 60,000 people came to trade goods. During the Aztec Empire (1325-1520), the distribution of goods was so widespread that many of the materials traded were mass-produced in villages. A  long-distance trade  exchange system was in place throughout the Aztec Empire, with professional traders called  pochteca  carrying goods such as bird feathers, cacao beans and, most importantly, information. Currency:  Gold jewelry, textiles, cacao beans, and beaten copper axes. Cultivated Crops:  Maize, beans, salvia, squash, tomatoes, cactus, cotton, chile, manioc, goosefoot, amaranth,  cacao (chocolate), avocado, agave Domesticated Animals:  Turkey, duck,  dog Agriculture:  The chinampa system of agriculture used by the Aztecs consisted of a raised planting platform built in a shallow swampland and irrigated through a series of dikes. Aztecs and Warfare Weaponry:  Bow and arrow,  atlatl, oak broadswords with obsidian blades, thrusting spears, round shields of fire-hardened cane, quilted cotton armor, and shield and armed canoes. Ritual  Sacrifice:  According to written records by the Spanish, prisoners of war were led to the top of the Great Pyramid in Tenochtitlan and sacrificed by having their hearts cut out. Their bodies were then thrown down the steps of the pyramid, where they were decapitated, dismembered and eaten by Aztec warriors. This may have been exaggerated by Sahagun, but there is no doubt that ritual sacrifice was part of the rituals of Aztec war. Ritual  Bloodletting  Bloodletting, or auto-sacrifice, was a personal ritual performed by Aztec elites. Empire:  The Aztec mode of imperialism was to conquer a new territory, and then put in a leader over the existing system, rather than replace the entire ruling leadership. This unique blend of force and bribery was extremely effective in maintaining a  far -flung empire. Important Archaeological Sites of the Aztec Empire Tenochtitlan  - Capital city of the Mexica, founded in 1325 on a swampy island in the middle of Lake Texcoco; now underneath the city of Mexico city Tlatelolco  - Sister city of Tenochtitlan, known for its huge market. Azcapotzalco  - Capital of the Tepanecs, captured by the Mexica and added to the Aztec hegemony at the end of the Tepanec War Cuauhnahuac  - Modern day Cuernavaca, Morelos. Established by Tlahuica ca AD 1140, captured by Mexica in 1438. Malinalco  - Rock cut temple built ca 1495-1501. Guiengola  - Zapotec city on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca state, allied with the Aztecs by marriage Xaltocan, in Tlaxcala north of Mexico City, founded on a floating island Study Questions Why would the Spanish chroniclers of the Aztecs exaggerate the violence and blood of the Aztecs in their reports back to Spain?What advantages are there to placing a capital city on a marshy island in the middle of a lake?The following English words are derived from the Nahuatl language: avocado, chocolate, and  atlatl. Why do you think these words are the ones we use today?Why do you think the Mexica chose to ally with their neighbors in the Triple Alliance rather than conquering them?What role do you think disease played with the fall of the Aztec empire? Sources on the Aztec Civilization Susan Toby Evans and David L. Webster. 2001. Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encylopedia. Garland Publishing, Inc. New York.Michael E. Smith. 2004. The  Aztecs. 5th edition. Gareth Stevens. Gary Jennings. Aztec; Aztec Blood and Aztec Autumn. Although these are novels, some archaeologists do use Jennings as a textbook on the Aztecs. John Pohl. 2001. Aztecs and Conquistadores. Osprey Publishing. Charles Phillips. 2005. The Aztec and Maya World. Frances Berdan et al. 1996. Aztec Imperial Strategies. Dumbarton Oaks .

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Slavery And The Civil War - 1706 Words

Abraham Lincoln once said, â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand.† In the 1800s, the American nation was slowly becoming a house divided against itself. The United States were no longer united, mainly over the issue of slavery. In fact, many historians believe that, â€Å"From the nation’s founding, the issue of slavery threatened to tear the United States apart.† (â€Å"The Civil War† 1). The issue of slavery was always kept at bay through the utilization of various compromises; however a permanent solution was never sought after by the government. The peoples’ perspective of slavery differed by region. In the South, the economy was extremely reliant on farming and agriculture. These areas required slave labor, so Southerners favored slavery. However, in the North, many people were pro-abolition and called for the end of slavery (â€Å"Slavery: Three Points of View† 2). These varying ideals about slavery ultimately lead to the st art of the Civil War. When Lincoln, the Republican, pro-abolition candidate, won the Election of 1860, Southern states began to secede from the United States. Within 6 months of Lincoln’s election, the Confederate States of America had been created (â€Å"The Civil War† 1). The Confederacy despised the principles of the North, or the Union, and was ready to go to war in order to settle their differences. This war would forever change life in America and even break down society’s barriers between the races. In short, key battles and the abolition of slavery areShow MoreRelatedSlavery And The Civil War958 Words   |  4 Pagesblood in slavery so that many parts of America could become prosperous and recognized in the world†, this is quote from Josephine Baker, one of America’s early prominent black performers. Slavery, which will be discussed in greater detail, affected Africans kidnapped from their homeland and brought to the Americas to be sold and forced to work in horrible, vile, disgusting conditions. Slavery was also a great economic boosts for the United States due to cotton, however, overtime slavery began toRead MoreSlavery And The Civil War1641 Words   |  7 PagesThe American civil war was in no doubt the most crucial event in history. No other war compares or even comes close to the casualties suffered. It helped conserve and maintain the Union, drastically changed the relationship between the federal and states government, and led to slavery’s abolition. This war has also stirred up many conflicts until this day about the conflicts and causes. Among the countless and even undiscovered questions comes the most common as being why the Southern states wereRead MoreSlavery and the Civil War1281 Words   |  5 PagesEscaped slaves from the South helped the north to win the Civil War by increasing the number of soldiers fighting in the war for the north and by spying on the south for the north. With the help o f escaped slaves fighting the South, the north outnumbered the south in battles, which eventually led to the North’s victory in the Civil War. Escaped slaves form the south also helped the north by spying on the south and reporting to Union officials who reported the information to the Union army. TheRead MoreSlavery And The Civil War1527 Words   |  7 PagesSlavery is a lawful or monetary framework in which standards of property law are connected to people permitting them to be named property, to be possessed, purchased and sold as needs be, and they can t pull back singularly from the course of action. While a man is a slave, the proprietor is qualified for the efficiency of the slave s work, with no compensation. The rights and security of the slave might be controlled by laws and traditions in a specific time and put, and a man may turn into aRead MoreThe Civil War And The Slavery986 Words   |  4 PagesThe Civil War contributed to the enslaved period being terminat ed. The union allowed slaves to fight for them and this imposed on the slave masters throughout the south. During this period the slaves were very rebellious and violent towards their masters. They beat them, tortured them, and some even killed some of the slave masters. They all truly deserved it after the treatment that had been rendered towards the African Americans when they first arrived from the West Indies to the United StatesRead MoreSlavery And The Civil War1447 Words   |  6 PagesSlavery and The Civil War When most people think of Abraham Lincoln, They remember him as the one President, or the one single entity , who freed the slaves. Most are not aware that before slavery the young nation was going though growing pains there were years of political strife and social upheaval that culminated in to Civil war that actually resulted in the Emancipation of Slaves. Slavery was pivotal to the compromises and conflicts of national politics in the decades leadingRead MoreSlavery And The Civil War1084 Words   |  5 PagesSlavery Slavery was one of the biggest controversies in American history. The beliefs about slavery mostly varied from the North to the South but also varied from state to state and sometimes even among family members. All of these different views caused conflicts to arise in America and slavery soon became a huge contributing factor to the Civil War. The core beliefs of anti-slavery societies differed from those of the slavery societies. Abolitionists believed that slavery was a moral and nationalRead MoreThe Civil War Of Slavery1699 Words   |  7 PagesIn the 1800s the Institution of Slavery became very dominant in the United States, but mainly in the South. Due to the climate and their type of economy, their agriculture productions required a great amount of labor that was performed by the slaves. In the south, â€Å"slavery was key to the way of life†1 the majority of the south relied on the slaves to do all of the hard work for them and maximize the profit of their owners. The northern states however had a different type of economy and did not requireRead MoreThe Slavery Of The Civil War1701 Words   |  7 PagesIn pre-Civil War America, it was a common occurrence to witness Black families torn apart, sold off as property, and treated in hateful, vile manors in the name of a higher God. Many slave owners retained t he firm belief that due to slavery being beneficial to them and the lack of clear-cut condemnation in scripture, it was a divine institution beneficial to both the slave and slave owner themselves. As a result, these ideals led to further enslavement and abuse, exploiting Blacks so that the slaveRead MoreSlavery And The Civil War Essay1963 Words   |  8 PagesSociety relates slavery to the civil war and most would argue that slavery ended in 1865. With this standpoint, we often brush off or neglect to further investigate slavery in its most modern forms. Over the course of history, there are hardly any situations where a social problem was solved. Starvation still exists, as does poverty, racism, war, segregation, injustice within government systems, and yes, even slavery. Human trafficking is modern day slavery and it exists everywhere with two different